So I had a chat with my husband last night and he was super supprortive (as I expected) and excited for me. My mom's also excited for me as well.
And I'm beyond excited - and cautiously optomistic as well. So now that I have the finances in order, the doctor and hospital chosen, time to do some research on which procedure I think is most appropriate for me. I'll leave the final decision up to the doctor of course, but I want to have a good understanding of each procedure prior to meeting with the Doctor.
It's really hard for me to not get wrapped up in the Day Dream TIme Machine though. I can't wait to feel healthy, active, and ready to get preggers. I can't wait to have energy to grab the boys (our huskies) and go for a RUN. I can't run right now. That's another goal I have. I live in Carmel, CA so I'm really close to the Big Sur Marathon - I'd love to be able to run it (most of the way at least).
I went to the gym again today too- and knowing that I'm on the road to approval - gave me more motivation to push myself a bit harder (okay so a rockin playlist helped too). :)
Alrighty that's my babble of the day - time to get some work done, do some research and be awesome.
Take care whoever is reading this!
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